OCR & Data AI Fine-tuning for Enhanced Order Processing


COMPANY: Boston Scientific

OBJECTIVE: Improve order intake, data input, and order processing by converting large amounts of PDFs and images (including handwritten documents) using OCR with 90% accuracy. Clean and merge the data with ERP data for comprehensive order processing, analytics, and insights, coupled with AI fine-tuning for LLM chat.

CHALLENGE: Boston Scientific handles a high volume of orders in various formats, including scanned PDFs and handwritten documents. Manual data entry is slow and prone to errors, leading to inefficient order processing and data management.

SOLUTION: Test and Pilot FactR’s DataPeak solution that can accurately convert text from PDFs and images, including handwritten content, into machine-readable data. Clean the data to remove outliers and inconsistencies, then merge it with ERP data. Use AI fine-tuning to enable advanced analytics and interactive data exploration through an LLM-powered chat interface.



Increased Efficiency
Automated data extraction reduces manual entry time and errors.

Improved Accuracy
High OCR accuracy ensures reliable data conversion, even for handwritten documents.

Enhanced Data Quality
Cleaning and merging data eliminates inconsistencies and outliers.

Comprehensive Insights
Integrated data analytics provide deeper insights into order processing.

Interactive Data Access
AI-powered chat interface allows users to query and interact with data easily.


OCR Integration
Deploy OCR technology to convert text from PDFs and images, achieving 90% accuracy for handwritten content.

Data Cleaning
Implement data cleaning processes to remove outliers and correct dirty data.

Data Merging
Integrate cleaned OCR data with ERP data for a unified view of order information.

Model Training
Fine-tune AI models to analyze the merged data and generate insights.

Chat Interface Development
Develop a user-friendly chat interface powered by LLMs for interactive data querying.

Launch the integrated system and incorporate it into existing workflows.

Continuous Improvement
Regularly update OCR models and AI algorithms to maintain accuracy and relevance.

This approach enables Boston Scientific to streamline order processing, enhance data accuracy, and provide advanced insights through an interactive AI-powered platform.



DataPeak is more than just a SaaS platform; it's your strategic advantage in a data-intelligent landscape. Our algorithms dissect data, revealing patterns that may have been time-consuming or seemingly impossible. We decode inefficiencies and streamline processes, creating a symphony of data insights automation.


FactR specializes in digital transformation, AutoML, and Machine Learning, empowering organizations to turn raw data into actionable insights.

Our solutions drive process automation, enhance analytics and provide valuable workflow insights. Deploy data models quickly and confidently, measuring impact before and after implementation—without the need for expensive consultants or data scientists.

Together, we can unlock the power of data-driven decision-making for a brighter, more efficient future.


Image Vectorization for Advanced Data Insights


Merging Structured and Unstructured Data