Consolidated Data for Asset Maintenance and Reliability


COMPANY: Dr. Oetker

OBJECTIVE: Streamline asset maintenance and enhance reliability using AI-driven insights with DataPeak.

CHALLENGE: Dr. Oetker faces equipment downtime and high maintenance costs due to fragmented data across various systems, leading to inefficient maintenance schedules and unexpected failures.

SOLUTION: Implement FactR’s DataPeak data platform to integrate data from flat files, maintenance logs, and operational systems into a single source of truth. This platform leverages AI and machine learning to analyze historical and real-time data, predict equipment failures, and optimize maintenance schedules.



Reduced Downtime
Predictive maintenance minimizes unexpected equipment failures, ensuring continuous operations.

Cost Savings
Optimized maintenance schedules reduce unnecessary maintenance activities and associated costs.

Improved Reliability
Enhanced asset performance and reliability through data-driven insights.

Informed Decision-Making
Real-time analytics provide actionable insights for maintenance teams, improving response times and decision-making.


Data Integration
Consolidate data from various sources into a unified data platform.

AI Model Development
Develop and train AI models to predict equipment failures and recommend maintenance actions.

Implement the AI-driven maintenance system and integrate it with existing workflows.

Monitoring and Optimization
Continuously monitor system performance and refine AI models for improved accuracy.

This approach enables Dr. Oetker to transition from reactive to proactive maintenance, significantly enhancing asset reliability and operational efficiency.



DataPeak is more than just a SaaS platform; it's your strategic advantage in a data-intelligent landscape. Our algorithms dissect data, revealing patterns that may have been time-consuming or seemingly impossible. We decode inefficiencies and streamline processes, creating a symphony of data insights automation.


FactR specializes in digital transformation, AutoML, and Machine Learning, empowering organizations to turn raw data into actionable insights.

Our solutions drive process automation, enhance analytics and provide valuable workflow insights. Deploy data models quickly and confidently, measuring impact before and after implementation—without the need for expensive consultants or data scientists.

Together, we can unlock the power of data-driven decision-making for a brighter, more efficient future.


Consolidated Data from Large and Complex PDFs


The Impact of Emerging Technologies on Enterprise Business Models