Consolidated Data from Large and Complex PDFs


COMPANY: Financial Services (Company unnamed)

OBJECTIVE: Gain data insights, perform analytics, and deploy data models using AI to process large and complex PDFs.

CHALLENGE: Financial Services (Company unnamed) handles vast amounts of data embedded in complex PDF documents, such as financial reports, contracts, and regulatory filings. Extracting and analyzing this data manually is time-consuming, error-prone, and inefficient.

SOLUTION: Implement FactR’s DataPeak platform to consolidate data from large and complex PDFs. This platform uses natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning to extract, analyze, and structure data, enabling AI language models (LLMs) deployment for advanced analytics and insights.



Enhanced Data Accuracy
AI ensures precise extraction of relevant data, reducing manual errors.

Time Efficiency
Automated data extraction significantly speeds up the process, allowing for quicker decision-making.

Advanced Analytics
Leveraging AI and LLMs provides deeper insights and more accurate predictions.

The solution can handle large volumes of PDFs, making it scalable for growing data needs.


Data Extraction
Use AI tools to extract structured data from PDFs, including text, tables, and images.

Data Integration
Consolidate extracted data into a unified database for easy access and analysis.

Model Training
Train AI models, including LLMs, to generate insights and predictions on the consolidated data.

Integrate AI models into business workflows for real-time analytics and decision support.

Continuous Improvement
Regularly update and refine AI models to maintain accuracy and relevance.

This approach enables Financial Services (Company unnamed) to transform unstructured PDF data into actionable insights, enhancing operational efficiency and strategic decision-making.



DataPeak is more than just a SaaS platform; it's your strategic advantage in a data-intelligent landscape. Our algorithms dissect data, revealing patterns that may have been time-consuming or seemingly impossible. We decode inefficiencies and streamline processes, creating a symphony of data insights automation.


FactR specializes in digital transformation, AutoML, and Machine Learning, empowering organizations to turn raw data into actionable insights.

Our solutions drive process automation, enhance analytics and provide valuable workflow insights. Deploy data models quickly and confidently, measuring impact before and after implementation—without the need for expensive consultants or data scientists.

Together, we can unlock the power of data-driven decision-making for a brighter, more efficient future.


Open Data Accessibility and Analytics


Consolidated Data for Asset Maintenance and Reliability